ReaDDy - A particle-based
reaction-diffusion simulator

Lennard-Jones fluid - thermodynamic state variables

We consider a simple fluid of particles that interact due to the Lennard Jones potential

$$ U(r) = 4\varepsilon \left[ \left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^{12} - \left(\frac{\sigma}{r}\right)^6 \right] $$

To validate the integration of the diffusion process and correct implementation of energies and forces, we compare observables to results from the literature. The observables are: the mean potential energy of the system per particle $U$, the pressure $P$ and the radial distribution function $g(r)$.

The thermodynamic quantities of a Lennard Jones fluid are typically expressed in terms of the rescaled density $\rho^* = (N/V)\sigma^3$ and the rescaled temperature $T^* = k_BT/\varepsilon$, where $N$ is the number of particles in the system, which is constant over time, and $V$ is the available volume. In simulation practice we set $\sigma=1$ and $\varepsilon=1$ to achieve the reduced units. The quantity $\sigma^2 / 4D$ gives rise to a typical time scale, where $D$ is the self diffusion coefficient of the particles. In practice we set the diffusion coefficient to 1.

We use an Euler-Maruyama scheme to integrate the positions of particles according to the overdamped Langevin equation of motion, in contrast to an integration of positions and momenta in the underdamped limit.

The pressure can be measured from the acting forces according to [4]

$$ PV = Nk_BT + \langle \mathscr{W} \rangle $$


$$ \mathscr{W} = \frac{1}{3} \sum_i \sum_{j>i} \mathbf{r}_{ij} \mathbf{f}_{ij}, $$

is the virial that describes the deviation from ideal-gas-behavior. It is measured in terms of pairwise acting forces $\mathbf{f}_{ij}$ between particles $i$ and $j$ which are separated by $\mathbf{r}_{ij}$. This is implemented by ReaDDy's pressure observable.


origin cutoff radius $r_c$ density $\rho$ temperature $T$ pressure $P$ potential energy per particle $U$
[1] 4 0.3 3 1.023(2) -1.673(2)
[2] 4 0.3 3 1.0245 -1.6717
HALMD [3] 4 0.3 3 1.0234(3) -1.6731(4)
ReaDDy 4 0.3 3 1.035(7) -1.679(3)
[1] 4 0.6 3 3.69(1) -3.212(3)
[2] 4 0.6 3 3.7165 -3.2065
HALMD [3] 4 0.6 3 3.6976(8) -3.2121(2)
ReaDDy 4 0.6 3 3.70(2) -3.208(7)

[1] Molecular dynamics simulations, J. K. Johnson, J. A. Zollweg, and K. E. Gubbins, The Lennard-Jones equation of state revisited, Mol. Phys. 78, 591 (1993)

[2] Integral equations theory, A. Ayadim, M. Oettel, and S Amokrane, Optimum free energy in the reference functional approach for the integral equations theory, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21, 115103 (2009).

[3] HAL's MD package,

[4] Allen, M. P., & Tildesley, D. J. (1987). Computer Simulation of Liquids. New York: Oxford University Press.

In [1]:
import os
import numpy as np

import readdy

Utility methods

In [2]:
def average_across_first_axis(values):
    n_values = len(values)
    mean = np.sum(values, axis=0) / n_values  # shape = n_bins
    difference = values - mean  # broadcasting starts with last axis
    std_dev = np.sqrt(np.sum(difference * difference, axis=0) / n_values)
    std_err = np.sqrt(np.sum(difference * difference, axis=0) / n_values ** 2)
    return mean, std_dev, std_err

def lj_system(edge_length, temperature=1.):
    system = readdy.ReactionDiffusionSystem(
        box_size=[edge_length, edge_length, edge_length],
    system.kbt = temperature
    system.add_species("A", diffusion_constant=1.)
    system.potentials.add_lennard_jones("A", "A", m=12, n=6, epsilon=1., sigma=1., cutoff=4., shift=True)
    return system

Wrap the whole simulation and analysis in a function and perform it for the two densities 0.3 and 0.6.

In [3]:
def equilibrate_and_measure(density=0.3):
    n_per_axis = 12
    n_particles = n_per_axis ** 3
    edge_length = (n_particles / density) ** (1. / 3.)
    pos_x = np.linspace(-edge_length/2., edge_length/2.-1., n_per_axis)
    pos = []
    for x in pos_x:
        for y in pos_x:
            for z in pos_x:
    pos = np.array(pos)
    print("n_particles", len(pos), "box edge_length", edge_length)
    assert len(pos)==n_particles
    def pos_callback(x):
        nonlocal pos
        n = len(x)
        pos = np.zeros((n,3))
        for i in range(n):
            pos[i][0] = x[i][0]
            pos[i][1] = x[i][1]
            pos[i][2] = x[i][2]
        print("saved positions")
    # create system
    system = lj_system(edge_length, temperature=3.)
    # equilibrate
    sim = system.simulation(kernel="CPU")
    sim.add_particles("A", pos)

    sim.observe.particle_positions(2000, callback=pos_callback, save=None), callback=lambda x: print(x), save=None)

    sim.output_file = "lj_eq.h5"
    if os.path.exists(sim.output_file):
        os.remove(sim.output_file), timestep=1e-4)

    traj = readdy.Trajectory(sim.output_file)
    traj.convert_to_xyz(particle_radii={"A": 0.5})
    # measure
    sim = system.simulation(kernel="CPU")
    sim.add_particles("A", pos)
        200, bin_borders=np.linspace(0.5, 4., 50),
        types_count_from="A", types_count_to="A", particle_to_density=density)

    sim.output_file = "lj_measure.h5"
    if os.path.exists(sim.output_file):
        os.remove(sim.output_file), timestep=1e-4)
    # obtain results
    traj = readdy.Trajectory(sim.output_file)
    _, energy = traj.read_observable_energy()
    _, bin_centers, rdf = traj.read_observable_rdf()
    _, pressure = traj.read_observable_pressure()
    energy_mean, _, energy_err = average_across_first_axis(energy) # time average
    energy_mean /= n_particles
    energy_err /= n_particles

    pressure_mean, _, pressure_err = average_across_first_axis(pressure) # time average

    rdf_mean, _, rdf_err = average_across_first_axis(rdf) # time average

    return {
        "energy_mean": energy_mean, "energy_err": energy_err,
        "pressure_mean": pressure_mean, "pressure_err": pressure_err,
        "rdf_mean": rdf_mean, "rdf_err": rdf_err, "rdf_bin_centers": bin_centers
In [4]:
result_low_dens = equilibrate_and_measure(density=0.3)
  0%|          | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
n_particles 1728 box edge_length 17.925618986228656
Configured kernel context with:
 - kBT = 3.0
 - periodic b.c. = (true, true, true)
 - box size = (17.9256, 17.9256, 17.9256)
 - particle types:
     *  particle type "A" with D=1.0
 - potentials of order 2:
     * for types "A" and "A"
         * 12.0-6.0-Lennard-Jones potential with cutoff=4.0, epsilon=1.0, k=4.0, and with energy shift

Configured simulation loop with:
 - timeStep = 0.000100000
 - evaluateObservables = true
 - progressOutputStride = 100
 - context written to file = true
 - Performing actions:
   * Initialize neighbor list? true
   * Update neighbor list? true
   * Clear neighbor list? true
   * Integrate diffusion? true
   * Calculate forces? true
   * Handle reactions? true
   * Handle topology reactions? true

saved positions
  5%|▌         | 50/1000 [00:16<05:38,  2.81it/s]
 10%|█         | 100/1000 [00:32<05:05,  2.95it/s]
 15%|█▌        | 150/1000 [00:48<04:22,  3.24it/s]
 20%|██        | 200/1000 [01:02<03:31,  3.78it/s]
saved positions
 25%|██▌       | 250/1000 [01:15<03:08,  3.97it/s]
 30%|███       | 300/1000 [01:29<03:00,  3.89it/s]
 35%|███▌      | 350/1000 [01:43<02:51,  3.79it/s]
 40%|████      | 400/1000 [01:57<02:44,  3.66it/s]
saved positions
 45%|████▌     | 450/1000 [02:11<02:37,  3.49it/s]
 50%|█████     | 500/1000 [02:26<02:25,  3.43it/s]
 55%|█████▌    | 550/1000 [02:41<02:13,  3.38it/s]
 60%|██████    | 600/1000 [02:55<01:55,  3.46it/s]
saved positions
 65%|██████▌   | 650/1000 [03:10<01:46,  3.28it/s]
 70%|███████   | 700/1000 [03:25<01:33,  3.21it/s]
 75%|███████▌  | 750/1000 [03:41<01:16,  3.26it/s]
 80%|████████  | 800/1000 [03:57<01:04,  3.09it/s]
saved positions
 85%|████████▌ | 850/1000 [04:13<00:47,  3.14it/s]
 90%|█████████ | 900/1000 [04:28<00:30,  3.25it/s]
 95%|█████████▌| 950/1000 [04:45<00:15,  3.15it/s]
100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [05:01<00:00,  3.32it/s]
saved positions
  0%|          | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Configured kernel context with:
 - kBT = 3.0
 - periodic b.c. = (true, true, true)
 - box size = (17.9256, 17.9256, 17.9256)
 - particle types:
     *  particle type "A" with D=1.0
 - potentials of order 2:
     * for types "A" and "A"
         * 12.0-6.0-Lennard-Jones potential with cutoff=4.0, epsilon=1.0, k=4.0, and with energy shift

Configured simulation loop with:
 - timeStep = 0.000100000
 - evaluateObservables = true
 - progressOutputStride = 100
 - context written to file = true
 - Performing actions:
   * Initialize neighbor list? true
   * Update neighbor list? true
   * Clear neighbor list? true
   * Integrate diffusion? true
   * Calculate forces? true
   * Handle reactions? true
   * Handle topology reactions? true

100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [05:45<00:00,  2.89it/s]
In [5]:
{'energy_mean': -1.6663065999844973,
 'energy_err': 0.004068511442129084,
 'pressure_mean': 1.0241356362812084,
 'pressure_err': 0.007471245837546726,
 'rdf_mean': array([0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00,
        8.73771465e-04, 1.42643258e-01, 7.90076755e-01, 1.37058562e+00,
        1.48700339e+00, 1.40774728e+00, 1.26934966e+00, 1.17417650e+00,
        1.09760049e+00, 1.03248774e+00, 1.00018151e+00, 9.77339310e-01,
        9.52078308e-01, 9.54373365e-01, 9.58670740e-01, 9.78288430e-01,
        9.85144126e-01, 9.96332472e-01, 9.96971138e-01, 1.01546690e+00,
        1.00858485e+00, 1.01263937e+00, 1.00667808e+00, 1.00287432e+00,
        1.00332166e+00, 1.00407493e+00, 1.00003326e+00, 9.97703466e-01,
        1.00256106e+00, 1.00126730e+00, 1.00149326e+00, 9.99601950e-01,
        9.99207132e-01, 1.00320129e+00, 1.00385635e+00, 1.00234372e+00,
        1.00496500e+00, 9.96759322e-01, 1.00211504e+00, 1.00032322e+00,
        9.97838840e-01, 1.00435081e+00, 1.00073824e+00, 9.97157011e-01,
 'rdf_err': array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.00035392,
        0.00397702, 0.00752209, 0.00932349, 0.00951939, 0.00999279,
        0.00882471, 0.00700311, 0.00657965, 0.00635551, 0.00550131,
        0.00465666, 0.00450317, 0.00426148, 0.00446077, 0.00411222,
        0.00375464, 0.00418982, 0.00456293, 0.00339979, 0.00380776,
        0.00383472, 0.00351115, 0.00340765, 0.0029781 , 0.00335204,
        0.00309728, 0.00392425, 0.003419  , 0.00321209, 0.0030782 ,
        0.00278284, 0.00280004, 0.00268631, 0.00244541, 0.0022105 ,
        0.00284042, 0.00229337, 0.00223074, 0.00268411, 0.00236706,
        0.00272272, 0.00256921, 0.00230784, 0.00235968]),
 'rdf_bin_centers': array([0.53571429, 0.60714286, 0.67857143, 0.75      , 0.82142857,
        0.89285714, 0.96428571, 1.03571429, 1.10714286, 1.17857143,
        1.25      , 1.32142857, 1.39285714, 1.46428571, 1.53571429,
        1.60714286, 1.67857143, 1.75      , 1.82142857, 1.89285714,
        1.96428571, 2.03571429, 2.10714286, 2.17857143, 2.25      ,
        2.32142857, 2.39285714, 2.46428571, 2.53571429, 2.60714286,
        2.67857143, 2.75      , 2.82142857, 2.89285714, 2.96428571,
        3.03571429, 3.10714286, 3.17857143, 3.25      , 3.32142857,
        3.39285714, 3.46428571, 3.53571429, 3.60714286, 3.67857143,
        3.75      , 3.82142857, 3.89285714, 3.96428571])}
In [6]:
result_hi_dens = equilibrate_and_measure(density=0.6)
  0%|          | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
n_particles 1728 box edge_length 14.227573217960249
Configured kernel context with:
 - kBT = 3.0
 - periodic b.c. = (true, true, true)
 - box size = (14.2276, 14.2276, 14.2276)
 - particle types:
     *  particle type "A" with D=1.0
 - potentials of order 2:
     * for types "A" and "A"
         * 12.0-6.0-Lennard-Jones potential with cutoff=4.0, epsilon=1.0, k=4.0, and with energy shift

Configured simulation loop with:
 - timeStep = 0.000100000
 - evaluateObservables = true
 - progressOutputStride = 100
 - context written to file = true
 - Performing actions:
   * Initialize neighbor list? true
   * Update neighbor list? true
   * Clear neighbor list? true
   * Integrate diffusion? true
   * Calculate forces? true
   * Handle reactions? true
   * Handle topology reactions? true

saved positions
  5%|▌         | 50/1000 [01:03<19:58,  1.26s/it]
 10%|█         | 100/1000 [02:07<18:26,  1.23s/it]
 15%|█▌        | 150/1000 [03:10<18:16,  1.29s/it]
 20%|██        | 200/1000 [04:15<17:41,  1.33s/it]
saved positions
 25%|██▌       | 250/1000 [05:19<16:23,  1.31s/it]
 30%|███       | 300/1000 [06:22<14:44,  1.26s/it]
 35%|███▌      | 350/1000 [07:27<14:08,  1.31s/it]
 40%|████      | 400/1000 [08:31<12:17,  1.23s/it]
saved positions
 45%|████▌     | 450/1000 [09:40<13:40,  1.49s/it]
 50%|█████     | 500/1000 [10:53<11:03,  1.33s/it]
 55%|█████▌    | 550/1000 [11:57<10:02,  1.34s/it]
 60%|██████    | 600/1000 [13:03<08:40,  1.30s/it]
saved positions
 65%|██████▌   | 650/1000 [14:08<07:34,  1.30s/it]
 70%|███████   | 700/1000 [15:12<06:14,  1.25s/it]
 75%|███████▌  | 750/1000 [16:18<05:27,  1.31s/it]
 80%|████████  | 800/1000 [17:25<04:24,  1.32s/it]
saved positions
 85%|████████▌ | 850/1000 [18:30<03:13,  1.29s/it]
 90%|█████████ | 900/1000 [19:37<02:11,  1.31s/it]
 95%|█████████▌| 950/1000 [20:43<01:06,  1.33s/it]
100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [21:49<00:00,  1.31s/it]
saved positions
  0%|          | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Configured kernel context with:
 - kBT = 3.0
 - periodic b.c. = (true, true, true)
 - box size = (14.2276, 14.2276, 14.2276)
 - particle types:
     *  particle type "A" with D=1.0
 - potentials of order 2:
     * for types "A" and "A"
         * 12.0-6.0-Lennard-Jones potential with cutoff=4.0, epsilon=1.0, k=4.0, and with energy shift

Configured simulation loop with:
 - timeStep = 0.000100000
 - evaluateObservables = true
 - progressOutputStride = 100
 - context written to file = true
 - Performing actions:
   * Initialize neighbor list? true
   * Update neighbor list? true
   * Clear neighbor list? true
   * Integrate diffusion? true
   * Calculate forces? true
   * Handle reactions? true
   * Handle topology reactions? true

100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [26:54<00:00,  1.61s/it]
In [7]:
{'energy_mean': -3.193799119175668,
 'energy_err': 0.005697042916386074,
 'pressure_mean': 3.736313759014431,
 'pressure_err': 0.0193156366839875,
 'rdf_mean': array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.00318302,
        0.21544415, 1.09583401, 1.71095452, 1.71660056, 1.5030973 ,
        1.28105097, 1.11817947, 1.00079171, 0.9281504 , 0.88249208,
        0.87185074, 0.87061258, 0.89063383, 0.92622229, 0.97184412,
        1.01878889, 1.05056475, 1.06129247, 1.04824337, 1.03340413,
        1.019903  , 1.00605256, 0.99656021, 0.98725976, 0.98180169,
        0.98345413, 0.98252596, 0.99277386, 0.99484756, 0.99802621,
        1.00303123, 1.00645232, 1.00655447, 1.00674462, 1.00682027,
        1.00066395, 0.99939614, 0.99703547, 0.99774215, 0.9951048 ,
        0.99884033, 0.99708233, 0.99665095, 0.99983404]),
 'rdf_err': array([0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.000414  ,
        0.00362726, 0.00552918, 0.0078111 , 0.00731   , 0.00614851,
        0.00501308, 0.0051015 , 0.00379222, 0.00358177, 0.00398928,
        0.00347434, 0.00301331, 0.00324984, 0.00282947, 0.00364745,
        0.00313543, 0.00295688, 0.00287935, 0.00295896, 0.00219868,
        0.00230414, 0.00289815, 0.00289699, 0.00200497, 0.00210439,
        0.00214856, 0.00240868, 0.00188535, 0.00211364, 0.00206456,
        0.00200478, 0.00194404, 0.0020108 , 0.00211606, 0.0020575 ,
        0.00168416, 0.001548  , 0.00144649, 0.00169588, 0.00170068,
        0.00159604, 0.00160979, 0.00145555, 0.0016807 ]),
 'rdf_bin_centers': array([0.53571429, 0.60714286, 0.67857143, 0.75      , 0.82142857,
        0.89285714, 0.96428571, 1.03571429, 1.10714286, 1.17857143,
        1.25      , 1.32142857, 1.39285714, 1.46428571, 1.53571429,
        1.60714286, 1.67857143, 1.75      , 1.82142857, 1.89285714,
        1.96428571, 2.03571429, 2.10714286, 2.17857143, 2.25      ,
        2.32142857, 2.39285714, 2.46428571, 2.53571429, 2.60714286,
        2.67857143, 2.75      , 2.82142857, 2.89285714, 2.96428571,
        3.03571429, 3.10714286, 3.17857143, 3.25      , 3.32142857,
        3.39285714, 3.46428571, 3.53571429, 3.60714286, 3.67857143,
        3.75      , 3.82142857, 3.89285714, 3.96428571])}
In [9]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

print("density 0.3:")
print("mean energy per particle {}\nerr energy per particle {}".format(
    result_low_dens["energy_mean"], result_low_dens["energy_err"]))
print("pressure {}\nerr pressure {}".format(
    result_low_dens["pressure_mean"], result_low_dens["pressure_err"]))
print("density 0.6:")
print("mean energy per particle {}\nerr energy per particle {}".format(
    result_hi_dens["energy_mean"], result_hi_dens["energy_err"]))
print("pressure {}\nerr pressure {}".format(
    result_hi_dens["pressure_mean"], result_hi_dens["pressure_err"]))

plt.plot(result_low_dens["rdf_bin_centers"], result_low_dens["rdf_mean"], label=r"density $\rho=0.3$")
plt.plot(result_hi_dens["rdf_bin_centers"], result_hi_dens["rdf_mean"], label=r"density $\rho=0.6$")
plt.xlabel(r"distance $r/\sigma$")
plt.ylabel(r"radial distribution $g(r)$")
density 0.3:
mean energy per particle -1.6663065999844973
err energy per particle 0.004068511442129084
pressure 1.0241356362812084
err pressure 0.007471245837546726
density 0.6:
mean energy per particle -3.193799119175668
err energy per particle 0.005697042916386074
pressure 3.736313759014431
err pressure 0.0193156366839875
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